Welcome to the Globe Bookgroup blog! Here, members of the group can post messages about past and present books, and catch up with other members. The Globe Bookgroup meets around every 4-5 weeks on a Thursday night in The Globe pub, Baker Street. We get very excited about choosing and voting for our books. We don't do organised discussions or heavy hardbacks.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Thank goodness

I finally finished The Sea on Friday. Thank goodness. It wasn't a book I felt any compulsion to pick up, so consequently it took me a lot longer to get through. There's a lot to say about this book, but I'll save it for Thursday evening. I don't think it's a bad book, it's beautiful in many ways. But call me needy, but I like a book with a bit more of a gripping plot.

Anyway, I'm currently reading 'Rebecca's Tale' by Sally Beauman, a sequel to De Mourier's wonderfully creepy mysterious novel. I read a previous book by Beauman and was suprised to find I couldn't put it down - it had the dubious title of 'The Landscape of Love' which made it look like a rubbish romance, but in fact it was nothing of the sort. It was in some ways a love story but wasn't soppy. An example of 'don't judge a book by its cover' - or indeed its title. So, I'm reading this other novel by her, which is a huge thick book (again, chick-lit thick but not chick-lit-like). I did unfortunately drop it in the bath, so it's gone a bit wibbly.

Completely unrelated...I went to the cinema last night and saw The Illusionist which I thought was great. I thoroughly enjoyed The Prestige, and this was less complex but equally engrossing, and very beautifully filmed. It also had a great soundtrack by Phillip Glass. I seem to have a fascination for stories about 19th/early 20th century magicians. I recommend the novel 'Carter Beats the Devil' by Glen David Gold. Julian, did you ever read it?


Blogger Julian said...

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8:12 am

Blogger Julian said...

Not read Carter Beats the Devil yet. Have to get round to that. I've become dangerously addicted to books lately - its almost like an illness now. My partner Dave thinks its an obsessional disorder

4:03 pm

Blogger Julian said...

I have been collecting the Du Maurier books. I have not yet read them although I do know Rebecca well from TV. Daphne's grandfather George wrote the famous book Trilby and was a friend of Henry James.

4:10 pm

Blogger Ellie said...

Did you see the Hitchcock film? Very atmospheric. Mrs Danvers is so creepy.

I've never read any other books by Du Maurier, I suppose I should.

I love it when you say 'the famous book Trilby' and I've never heard of it. Is it about a hat?

10:29 pm

Blogger Julian said...

Yes I used to love that Hitchcock movie all through my childhood.

Trilby is the name of the central character - a woman. The hat was as a matter of fact named after her. You must have heard of Svengali her hynoptist.

10:19 am


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