Welcome to the Globe Bookgroup blog! Here, members of the group can post messages about past and present books, and catch up with other members. The Globe Bookgroup meets around every 4-5 weeks on a Thursday night in The Globe pub, Baker Street. We get very excited about choosing and voting for our books. We don't do organised discussions or heavy hardbacks.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Sally Beauman

This is what Sally thinks a book club should be reading

"I'd advocate re-reading the kind of classic great novels I've included on my top ten list above -- mainly because re-reading is a richer, more rewarding pastime than reading first time around. Also, books change as readers change: at forty, you will find things in great novels that you missed when you read them in your twenties.

But they have to be read without false reverence, with a truly open mind. I'd also advocate new books, something hot off the press, so you can examine the latest novelistic forays and games -- anything by Haruki Marukami or David Mitchell or Donna Tartt or Zadie Smith or Julian Barnes, clever experimenting writers, who keep you on your toes"

So there we are - some prominent bones of contention are there


Blogger Ellie said...

Interesting stuff. Well, she has named two of my favourite writers so I'm not seeing anything to argue with there - Murakami and Mitchell, whose books I await impatiently to appear in paperback...Tartt, you already know I like - and I know you don't, Julian!

I think it is interesting to re-read what you read in your youth - I was a huge Hardy fan as a teen, but haven't re-read any of his works which are on my shelf. I wonder if I will get round to it someday.

10:19 pm

Blogger Julian said...

Yes I think she is absolutely right about re-reading. I think one does change a great deal throughout ones life. This is why undergraduate courses are often so unsatisfactory - they look for your reponse to great literature at a very early age when you are scarcely developed as a person

2:29 pm


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