Welcome to the Globe Bookgroup blog! Here, members of the group can post messages about past and present books, and catch up with other members. The Globe Bookgroup meets around every 4-5 weeks on a Thursday night in The Globe pub, Baker Street. We get very excited about choosing and voting for our books. We don't do organised discussions or heavy hardbacks.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Divided Kingdom

Just finished reading Divided Kingdom by Rupert Thomson, a few of whose novels I've previously read and enjoyed. This one's about a possible future where the government separates people into 4 personality types: sanguine, melancholic, choleric, and phlegmatic. The idea is that it will stabilise society, by placing these 4 types of people in 4 separate parts of what used to be the United Kingdom. It's through the eyes of one person who was separated from his parents at the age of 8, and what happens to him from then on. It was fascinating and creepy, as his other books have often been.

To find out more, check out www.dividedkingdom.co.uk and you can find out which personality type you are.

Graham Greene's The End of the Affair waits beside the bed for me to finish Housekeeping (the book not the hoovering).


Blogger Julian said...

I am keen to read Rupert Thomson myself one day. He is definitely on my list

4:37 pm


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