Welcome to the Globe Bookgroup blog! Here, members of the group can post messages about past and present books, and catch up with other members. The Globe Bookgroup meets around every 4-5 weeks on a Thursday night in The Globe pub, Baker Street. We get very excited about choosing and voting for our books. We don't do organised discussions or heavy hardbacks.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

July's book

Great to see newer faces return and another new face join us. Robin did this month's shortlist and a jolly good one it was too.

1. The Possibility of an Island Michel Houllebccq
2. Lunar Park Bret Easton Ellis
3. The White Hotel DM Thomas
4. Enough is Enough: or The Emergency Government Mark Lawson
5. State of the Union Douglas Kennedy

And the winner (and I attribute this to Robin mentioning 'if you want an easy read'!!)

State of the Union Douglas Kennedy

(Incidentally, I went out the next day and spent a book voucher on The Possibility of an Island which looks great, and The Fahrenheit Twins by Michel Faber. It must have been a day for authors named Michel.)

Started Labrynth by Kate Mosse this morning at 5.30am. I'd been having a terrible night's sleep, and got suitably engrossed to calm down and get some shut-eye.

Hope you all enjoy the book...


Blogger Julian said...

How is Labyrinth going? Do you think it is worth reading? It has certainly sold well and received alot of publicity.

Am well into a memoir called The Romanian written by Bruce Benderson. It was supposed to be for the London Gay Reading Group. I didnt get it finished in time for the actual meeting - and I couldnt go as I was down in Kent at the time.

9:30 pm

Blogger Ellie said...

Labyrinth is quite interesting, I'm enjoying it. It's a big book (a pain to carry around!) , and I'm about half-way through. There's a lot of mystery and intrigue, loads of questions in my mind. It received lots of publicity, I think because it has that Da Vinci Code type theme. Perhaps borrow it from the library and see what you think.

2:48 pm


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