July's book
Great to see newer faces return and another new face join us. Robin did this month's shortlist and a jolly good one it was too.
1. The Possibility of an Island Michel Houllebccq
2. Lunar Park Bret Easton Ellis
3. The White Hotel DM Thomas
4. Enough is Enough: or The Emergency Government Mark Lawson
5. State of the Union Douglas Kennedy
And the winner (and I attribute this to Robin mentioning 'if you want an easy read'!!)
State of the Union Douglas Kennedy
(Incidentally, I went out the next day and spent a book voucher on The Possibility of an Island which looks great, and The Fahrenheit Twins by Michel Faber. It must have been a day for authors named Michel.)
Started Labrynth by Kate Mosse this morning at 5.30am. I'd been having a terrible night's sleep, and got suitably engrossed to calm down and get some shut-eye.
Hope you all enjoy the book...
How is Labyrinth going? Do you think it is worth reading? It has certainly sold well and received alot of publicity.
Am well into a memoir called The Romanian written by Bruce Benderson. It was supposed to be for the London Gay Reading Group. I didnt get it finished in time for the actual meeting - and I couldnt go as I was down in Kent at the time.
9:30 pm
Labyrinth is quite interesting, I'm enjoying it. It's a big book (a pain to carry around!) , and I'm about half-way through. There's a lot of mystery and intrigue, loads of questions in my mind. It received lots of publicity, I think because it has that Da Vinci Code type theme. Perhaps borrow it from the library and see what you think.
2:48 pm
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