Welcome to the Globe Bookgroup blog! Here, members of the group can post messages about past and present books, and catch up with other members. The Globe Bookgroup meets around every 4-5 weeks on a Thursday night in The Globe pub, Baker Street. We get very excited about choosing and voting for our books. We don't do organised discussions or heavy hardbacks.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Ethiopia - a remote land

Dear All,

Just finished a travel book called The Chains of Heaven by Philip Marsden. Very fine writing. Describes a way of life completely alien to us in the West. Like travelling back five hundred years. Lives that revolve round God or Allah much as they used to here. A harsh and unforgiving life - also a simple life lived close to the elements.

Am now reading the book I got from Victoria in the Lucky Dip at Christmas - Just one Look by Harlan Coben


Wednesday, February 08, 2006


I guess this book could be described as bitter-sweet - some amusing avoidance of having sex (though honestly, why didn't he talk to Laura about his feelings about having children, silly man?), but heartbreaking to see the ravages of a debilitating illness such as Parkinson's. I did not expect to cry! I had expected to laugh, I remember I found the synopsis quite funny, but to cry, no, that ending came as a shock. Something I look forward to discussing in March...what would you have done? I won't say any more in case any of you haven't finished reading it.

Now on to a Sally Vicker's book - Mr Golightly's Holiday. I read one of her books ages ago, and am enjoying this one, although I think I've guessed the twist.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

John Harding

Finished the book tonight and I am mightily impressed. It really is beautifully written. Deeply moving and completely without affectation. I would recommend this novel without reservation.

Thanks to Claire for bringing it to my notice