Welcome to the Globe Bookgroup blog! Here, members of the group can post messages about past and present books, and catch up with other members. The Globe Bookgroup meets around every 4-5 weeks on a Thursday night in The Globe pub, Baker Street. We get very excited about choosing and voting for our books. We don't do organised discussions or heavy hardbacks.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Next book...


I've managed to mislay Nancy's short list...anyway, the winner this month was: Hunting Unicorns by Bella Pollen.

I'm now reading 'A Very Long Engagement', once featured on Lorraine's booklist some months ago. Having seen the film, the mystery is not as strong as it would've otherwise been, but it's good to get into the story which I remember being quite complex. If you haven't seen the film, it's all about a woman trying to find out what happened to her lover, a soldier in the 1st World War.

Anyway, enjoy the unicorns...See you in Dec...

Monday, November 14, 2005

November bookgroup and beyond...

Hi everyone,

A reminder about this week's bookgroup: Thursday (not Wednesday) 17th Nov, at the Globe. Hope you can make it. Nancy is going to do the short list.

Also, a date for your diaries: the Christmas special bookgroup will be on Thursday 15th December at 6.30pm at Eat and 2 Veg. Please bring:
  1. One book, wrapped, to be given at random to someone in the group as a Christmas present. This does not need to be a brand new book, it could be if you want to, or it could be something from your bookshelf you enjoyed, or something you found in a second hand shop that's in reasonable nick.
  2. A synopsis of a book you would like us to read for the 'lucky dip' voting. If possible, muliple copies of the synopsis so people can all see it, but if you don't have time, you'll need to tell us about one book you want us to vote for. Reminder: no hardbacks please!
OK, let me know if you're coming to the meal and I will book a table.

See you on Thursday...

Thursday, November 10, 2005

First Blog

I had to get Lorraine to help me get this far with this blog it feels a bit scarey! My apologies to you all I will not be able to make the meeting next Thursday :0( I hope the release of the new Kate Bush Album has provided Ellie with the lift she needed after Rumours of a Hurricane. I know what you mean Ellie I found it so grim at first but now I am at page 286 and quite addicted. I did not like Charlie at first but now I feel quite sorry for him.


Monday, November 07, 2005

80s nostalgia leaves bad taste in mouth...

I too have completed the Lott book - glad you liked it Julian, and look forward to hearing your thoughts next week...personally it made me depressed but there you are...I like to keep my 80s nostalgia trips confined to re-watching Dirty Dancing and listening to Kate Bush. Lorraine will bear testiment to my love of Ms Bush as she recently had the misfortune to hear me give an interesting rendition of Wuthering Heights in a west end karaoke room...

I too saw a film at the London Film Festival. It was entitled The Wayward Cloud and was a Taiwanese film about a man who meets a woman and they like each other but she doesn't know he's a porn actor. Right up to the end it was reasonably entertaining - it would suddenly go into a song and dance routine at times, and some of the sex scenes were interesting...however, the ending was truly shocking. I assume the director was trying to be provocative but really it was horrible. I'll say no more. Much more enjoyable for me was 'Thumbsucker' (not in the festival), a wonderful indie US film.

I'm now reading 'Changing Planes' by Ursula K Le Guin. I'm very much enjoying it. Another fascinating sci-fi read, so perhaps not for you, Claire!!

Hope you enjoy your ride in the Eye, Julian. It's nice at twilight.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Have finished the book

Hi everyone,

I finished the Tim Lott a few days ago. Its extremely well written and I have been informed by a friend that one of his others is well worth reading as well

Hope everybody is well. I've booked myself and partner Dave a ride on the London Eye in a few weeks. It is certainly very popular - we couldnt get on it last Saturday.

My email friend in Germany has got a job in a second hand bookshop and is working with alot of very interesting characters - it sounds really good fun though of course not very remunerative.

I have gone back to reading the Barrytown trilogy by Roddy Doyle. Its amusing and skilful. He has a fine ear for dialogue.

I went to an interesting movie at the London Film Festival. Made by a young Slovenian - and in English entitled Gravehopping. A humorous but also disturbing tale of a professional speechmaker at funerals.

All the best