Welcome to the Globe Bookgroup blog! Here, members of the group can post messages about past and present books, and catch up with other members. The Globe Bookgroup meets around every 4-5 weeks on a Thursday night in The Globe pub, Baker Street. We get very excited about choosing and voting for our books. We don't do organised discussions or heavy hardbacks.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Best read so far this year

I was looking for something for the weekend that wasn't too long and picked up a book by Stefan Zweig.

The book contained 2 short stories Twenty-Four Hours in the Life of a Woman and The Royal Game.

I normally avoid anything that is short (= not enough charactor development) or described as beautifully written (= no plot) however these two stories are amazing, they are so beautifully written, unusual and just the best books I've read all year if not ever - also they linger on in my thoughts which I love in a book.

I'm recommending them to anyone who will listen so thought I'd post here too.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Bring back the blog?

I've missed you dreadfully, little blog, you record of our reading and our preferences. You have taken a long break, it's been 10 long months and now it's time for your re-birth.

So, join me, join me, in the pleasure of writing about reading!

Our summer 2008 book is Rough Music by Patrick Gale. Get it or be bereft.

I'm currently reading the wonderful Tove Jansson (creator of the Moomins), and this book, Fair Play, whilst not having any small Scandinavian monsters, is very interesting, and is about 2 women who lives on an island off Finland, and who are friends, partners and artists. They row their boat in fog, get odd guests, and argue about their art, writing and relationship.