Norwegian book rocks!
It was a total breeze to read - I raced through it in about 3 days. Made me want to get a cat, but I'm banned from getting any animals.
I've moved on now to The Mercy of Thin Air, marketed as a cross between The Lovely Bones and The Time Traveller's Wife - which is true in as much as it's an enduring love story but narrated by a ghost. I love the fact that some of it is set in the late 20s, which is an era I wish I could travel back to for a visit.
I recently purchased two books not of the novel variety. They are sewing books (Sew U and Yeah! I Made It Myself) - I have dreams of making my own clothes (trousers that fit!). The problem is I need to get past the stage of the books sitting on my bookshelf, occasionally removed for the point when I buy some fabric and get experimenting. If I wasn't teaching two evenings a week I would join an evening class for hands-on experience.